Welcome to Dark Embrace!


Acceptable Use Policy


"Agreement" means this Agreement, including an understanding and acceptance of this and all of the following articles as listed within this document.

"Confirmation" means the acceptance of the agreement between the Chatter and Dark Embrace Chat, which may be enforced from the time of acceptance of this agreement.

"Dark Embrace Chat" means the hosting service for the chatting system. Which includes but is not limited to, chatting posting on message board, the hosting pages, images and/or galleries on it's severs.


1. Dark Embrace Chat, while being itself under the jurisdiction of United States law, strives to not only enforce laws which apply directly under it, but maintains a strict code of conduct to which all chatters, hosts, and members of staff are bound. Failure to comply with any and all of the following points may result in immediate and irrevocable banning from Dark Embrace Chat, which is dependent on the severity of the infraction itself.

2. The practice, discussion and/or advocation of illegal activities will not be tolerated while on Dark Embrace Chat. This includes, but is not limited to, and any all computer crimes/vandalism related to computer crimes that fall under United States law;

a. The proliferation or discussion of child pornography and transmittance of any and all pornographic materials to minors;

b. The creation of material involving scenes that would be considered pedophilic in nature, will not be tolerated. This includes and but is not limited to:
1) Scenes which place a character below the age of concent, in sexual relations with a character of adult age. With the exclusion of the historically accurate instances where such acts would have been socially acceptable.

2) Any scenes which is referred to as pedophilic in nature by United States laws.
c. The discrimination/harassment of any groups and/or individuals based of race, creed, beliefs, sex or as defined in the United States criminal code of law will not be tolerated and will result in immediate termination of the chatters account.

3. The circumvention of bans, through the creation of additional accounts or by violation of terms outlined in Article II (CONDUCT) second paragraph, will result in the permanent, immediate and unconditional banning from Dark Embrace Chat. The chatter will also accept that these procedures come without the benefit of appeal.

4. While Dark Embrace Chat prides itself on the privacy of it's players, the impersonation of the moderators, top moderators, administrators or any other chatter will not be tolerated. This of course includes the creation of a handle in order to seed confusion or conflict, or the alteration of said handles in order to lead others to believe the chatter is someone else.

5. The use of bots, spiders and/or other electronic means to collect other chatters personal information will will result in the immediate termination of the account and subsequently denying all associated address spaces from which those processes originated from.


1. Information provided during the registration process or during the course of the chatters stay on Dark Embrace Chat will not be released, or sold in any way, shape, or form. This includes, but it not limited to, selling the information for reasons of profit; Giving out the information to sister sites to encourage a migration and intermixing of players; Referring to confidential information in publicly accessible documents or realms. Dark Embrace Chat also agrees to not enter into any contract that will force the release of confidential information that is user specific.

2. The chatter agrees that the information provided is valid (including, but not limited to, a valid email address), allowing the Realms to contact the chatter if the need arises. This can be for reasons ranging from notice of system failure, planned changes regarding the system, or change of ownership. The chatter also agrees to keep said information valid and up to date with the risk of losing their account if the information is proved false.

3. Furthermore any and all accounts/posts/users activities will be logged, monitored and stored into a database and/or a series of log files. While the information is confidential and will not be distributed as per the prior agreement by Dark Embrace Chat, the chatter is hereby informed that such a practice is taking place. The chatter also agrees that Dark Embrace Chat itself can reference this information for the purpose of statistics building, mediation of conflict or any other reason so long as it does not violate the privacy agreement.


1. Chatters will aid Dark Embrace Chat in keeping updated contact information as per the agreement of Article III (PRIVACY).

2. Dark Embrace Chat reserves the right to revoke your membership if it is discovered that a chatter has infringed this agreement in any manner. Dark Embrace Chat will monitor any reported problems a chatter may have. If deemed necessary and shall contact the local authorities if the breached as defined in Article II (CONDUCT).

3. Chatters accept all risks entering into private (non-moderated) realms and Dark Embrace Chat is not liable, nor responsible for material posted in said rooms, provided they do not violate United States law.


1. The chatter is hereby warned that this document may be changed/adapted at any point in time by Dark Embrace Chat. However, Dark Embrace Chat vows that the spirit of the agreement will remain essentially static, and that only supplementary information or more complete definitions will be added in order to make the document more readable.

2. If the nature or spirit of the document itself is to change, Dark Embrace Chat is to inform the chatters of this change using email as the chosen transport. The chatter is warned however, to verify for changes on a periodic intervals of time as to keep abreast with possible revisions.


1. The chatter agrees that with the use of this service comes no warranty whatsoever as to availability, data integrity, security or quality of service. The service is provided free of charge and will continue solely at the discretion of the staff. The service is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. This is also limited to upkeep of your account with a current e-mail so we may contact you as needed with regards to site business ie, down time of server, moving of links, and important information.

If you have any further questions about the site before joining please send your questions/concerns our OOC forum.

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