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updated: 4/20/01

Commentary for 4-22-01

"Now I know why you wanna hate me, cause hate is all the world is ever seen lately" -Limp Bizkit

This being my first of hopefully many commentaries for this page, I've decided to shoot from the hip. No this wont always follow a proper procedure or be properly formatted as this is just a compliation of ideas and thoughts as they come. So without further ado....

Things I think I think (inspired by Peter King of CNN/SI)
1) Ever listen to those XFL referees? I realize the XFL was supposed to be a divergence from the NFL but to go so far as to change how you make an announcement such as "....repeat first down" to "the down remains first...." is to color me annoyed. Or so I think.
2) I think some folks pay too much attention to what others think of their spouses than how to fix things with their life partner.
3) From the advent of the webcam to all of the reality TV shows that litter the airwaves, I'm left wondering if -we- wont become our own "big brother"
4) As I get older so does my taste in music apparently. Went from not owning any Van Halen albums outside of 1984 to loving most everything I hear from them in the post Roth era.
5) On that same token I seem to keep up fairly well with the current trends of music. Methinks I'm eceltic.

The Bullpen

Why is it, when you're involved in an online community (RPG wise), that the worst dregs of society flock to your room and the legitamite "good people" all have little to no time anymore? On that same note, why is it that when you finally have just cause to boot their regurgitated keesters that they feel it nessisary to sneak back in as someone else?
Right side of the brain: Ok now what did you do!?
Left side of the brain: I had Jimbo take us back to that chat we threw a fit in, only get this, I had him sneak in as Obmij....uhhhhh.....I think I just got us filed under "stupid" again....
Right: you realize that you, being the left side of Jimbo's brain, you're supposed to be the logical one and I, being the right, hold the creative side of Jimbo? Now if you combine us we're creatively stupid...gee thanks Left.

Course if you flip that problem gamer syndrome you have the problem admin/storyteller syndrome. This is essentially the problem gamer only NOW they've got a biiiiig stick and he/she wants to whack it on the knuckles of some unfortunate soul simply because they can. Joking aside I've seen it far too often that someone gets nailed for the faults of the admin/storyteller in question because either no one can or will stand up to that admin/storyteller and set that person in their place. If it's not one it's another. Whats worse is when said problem gamer suddenly finds a niche in the admin/storyteller system of a paticular chatsite and then you're REALLY in for problems cause now that person can do the most damage to the denizens of the chat with little risk of losing their role as admin/storyteller. And trust me here when I say that it takes a long time (years sometimes) for folks to finally realize that this person wasn't worth the collective frozen spittle of a yak in heat.
The morale of this Bullpen? When looking up online chatsites to RP at make your best attempts to learn as much as you can -before- you get involved. Finding the right group is like finding the right relationship, never stick it out if their only purpose is to push their vision of "right and wrong" onto you regardless of how many friends you might have there. And most importantly, that site isn't the end. There will always be some chatsite or message board or PBEM game going somewhere, just look and you'll find them out there. If you need help finding them drop an email my way and I'll point out some of the others I've located against the furthest walls of the internet.
-Kindred aka Jerome